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C++ Raytracer

Project type

C++ Project


December `21 / Januari `22



This is a C++ based Raytracer that is being rendered on the CPU.
For this project I started out by seting up the project so I could display the pixels the raytracer would calculate, after which I started working on the mathematical equations that would make the raytracer be able to display objects, I continued adding new features such as reflections and refraction,
at some point, the math became costly on performance, and thus I started working on optimisation,
I started implementing a BVH structure to reduce the amount of objects each ray would need to check, which resulted in a significant improvement, which has an exponential effect the larger the scene,
Additionally I added Multi-Threading which further improved the performance of the application.
This project was a valuable lesson in optimisation, performance profilling and taught me a lot about these aspects of software development.

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